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cene Two
         1587 PANEL


The illustration at the top of this scene shows some Indians at Roanoke going fishing and is based on another of Governor John White’s drawings.

For the first time the immigrants setting foot at the northern end of Roanoke Island include women as well as men and some children. They are probably people of small means who have invested their savings to participate. Their reward is 500 acres per man, albeit of un-cleared land. Among the women there, to help her husband Ananias Dare is Eleanor who is the daughter of John White. They have to get to work immediately to defend themselves for apart from finding just the bones of the previous garrison, the earthworks of the fort are found razed to the ground and the fort damaged by fire by the Indians. The houses outside the perimeter are however found undamaged though overgrown so everyone sets to work to repair them and build new cottages.

The fresh activity does nothing to endear them with the local Roanoke Indians who have retreated to the mainland in order to prepare raiding attacks on the English intruders when chances present themselves. Soon the opportunity materialises when George Howe, one of White’s assistants (arms shown here) is spotted alone on the beach, just wearing 1587’s equivalent of modern-day pants. He’s fishing in the breaking waves for crabs. It’s also his last day on earth for the natives creep up and fire 18 arrows into his body. It’s one settler down and a hundred and four to go…

George Maynard (arms shown here) is Mayor of Plymouth this year. Branches of his family have been prominent merchants in Plymouth and Totnes for many years. (Christopher Maynard for example will be Mayor of Totnes in 1632, 1658 and 1665).

Captain Edward Spicer (Arms shown here) is probably a scion of the very ancient and prominent family living in Exeter. On this Roanoke venture Spicer is commander of the flyboat and he and Governor White have many arguments which are documented in White’s written account of the expedition.

tapestry photo 1587 scene two

BURDOCK  Actium minus.  ‘The young stalks, peeled or eaten raw with salte and pepper, or boiled in meat broth, are pleasant to eat, and increase seede and stirrith up luste’.  Gerard.

BLADDER CAMPION  Silene vulgaris.  ‘Beaten to pouder and drunke, doth purge choler by the stoole and is good for them that are stung or bitten of any venomous beast’. Gerard.

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