The New World Tapestry

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Tapestry Heraldic Colour Codes

The various heraldic name labels on the tapestry are colour coded.  Under the shields illustrated here are the name labels. Some are in a deep purple colour meaning that that person was a member of the London Virginia Co. other colours are members of other companies, organisation, fought in the Armada, or were long time Plymothians. Non members have yellow labels.

In all there are 8 colours, examples of the coded colours are as follows :-
1583 Capt. William Winter
Fought in the Spanish Armada - Bright Red
1583 Thomas Edmondes
Long time Plymothian - Emerald Green
1584 Richard Hakluyt
London Virgina Co. - Dark Purple
1630 John Winthrop
Massachusetts Bay Co. - Pale Blue
1624-30 James Gould
Dorchester Co. -  Jade Green
1607-8  Edward Rogers
Plymouth Adventurers Co. - Mid Blue
A member of the New England Co. - White
People not members  of any company or category - Gold
Some labels have 2 or 3 colours meaning that this person belonged to more than one company or category.


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