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in August Grenville leaves Ralph in charge of his 107 colonists including John Stukley his brother-in-law (arms shown
here) to expand the settlement of Roanoke Island. The Stukleys are Lords of Affeton Castle near West Worlington in Devon, where they settled in medieval times to become allied to the leading families in the county
including the Gilberts, the Raleighs and the Grenvilles.
Making his way back across the Atlantic to England Grenville is always
on the look out for Spanish treasure ships and hits the jackpot when he captures no less than three, including the biggest
prize of all, the Santa Maria.
So richly valuable is his prize that he removes his command from
his own ship Tyger and transfers it to the massive but sluggish Spanish vessel. Slowly but surely he brings the booty
back to Plymouth where he arrives on 18 October, three weeks after the rest of the fleet has reached Falmouth.
Grenville in Plymouth and rubbing his hands in greedy anticipation of getting even richer quicker, is his cousin Raleigh. He’s there because together with Sir Francis Walsingham he’s a backer of the Roanoke venture and thus entitled
to the lion’s share of any booty that Grenville the privateer (licensed pirate!) can wrest from the Spanish.
This scene
therefore shows the moment has come when the Spanish captain in chains, has to watch, in bitter frustration, as Raleigh is truly amazed as Grenville lifts the lid of the huge treasure chest to reveal a fabulous fortune. The act means instant
extra wealth for the backers and Grenville has done everyone proud. Now all that remains is to appease another more than interested
party – the Queen herself who demands a sovereign’s rightful share of the spoils. She will get it, of course and
it will be in the form of a huge casket of lustrous pearls. Mission accomplished.
This panel was stitched
at Bristow’s Pottery at Chillington in Devon. So, as a tribute to the team who worked it, a potter is shown at his wheel
at the top of this scene.