King James’ palace in London is in Whitehall and as the easiest way to travel
in the capital is by water on the river Thames many of the two Companies members petitioning the monarch
arrive by boat to the court landing stage near the palace. So it is that on 10th April James is shown granting
the Plymouth and the London Virginia Companies their Charters. These will spell absolute ruin to the way of life of the Native
Americans for evermore and for some tribes extinction. Forcible conversion of the Indians to Anglicanism is planned, kidnapping
and even murder officially sanctioned. The Charters can be summed up as follows:
- The Companies members or ‘adventurers’ will furnish their own capital, the settlers and have charge of
trade and profit.
- In England, a royal council,
its members chosen by the crown will control ‘all matters that shall or may concern the government’ in Virginia.
In theory the crown governs the colonies and holds all political power, in practise, the royal council is composed mainly
of company leaders so in effect the Companies run their own enterprises in the name of the crown. The council members
are: Sir William Wade, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Walter Cope, Sir George Moor, Sir Francis Popham, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Sir
John Trevor, Sir Henry Montague, Sir William Rumney, Sir John Dodderidge, John Eldred, Thomas James and James Bagg (Bagg known
as ‘bottomless bagg’ by his enemies owns Little Saltram House in Plymouth. The statue, shown here, is on the courtyard
- In turn the royal council will choose and instruct a subsidiary
council for each Company in Virginia. Supreme authority overseas will rest with these subsidiaries
who will represent each Company in economic matters and represent the crown in political ones there and their regulations
have the force of law.